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来源:雅思专题 时间:2013/1/7 15:56:00


  【试题点评】这次考试的新旧题比例:2:2.依旧与之前难度相当。2新2旧一贯是听力新旧搭配的黄金比例。Section 1=V40102S1,表格题填空,购买机票场景。Section2 新题,澳大利亚野生动物园介绍,选择题和地图配对,动物场景。Section3=V09121S3 选择和填空结合。教育场景。Section4 50年后的科技展望,填空题,科学场景。从题型和场景的难度分析,属于中等难度。是的一次机会。

  Section One:One girl Reserves the flight ticket for her mother and asks some extra requirements.

  考点复习1:世界主要地名的拼写必须要掌握。如Adelaide, Chicago, Dublin等



  4:付款方式:Credit Card- VISA, Master Card, American Express,

  Debit Card

  Check/ Cheque



  Destination-目的地1. To: Berlin

  Ticket Type-机票类型2. weekly return ticket

  Date of Return-返回日期3. return on 5th November

  Price-票价4. £ 150

  Name-姓名5. Cowper

  Address-地址6. Bank House

  Special Requirement in Airport-特殊需求7. provide wheel chair and

  8. extra room

  Requirement in Food-食物需求9. no milk and no nuts

  Payment Method-付款方式10. bank transfer

  Section Two:

  动物园来新动物了。6月的特点就是晚上也可以看动物。喂袋鼠要注意。野狗的栅栏坏了。票可以在Photoshop打折 后面是地图题。(回忆不详)

  Section Three:学生与教授讨论自己的作业。学生觉得教授的分数给低了,过去面对面和教授argue,教授提出了改进的意见。

  考点复习1:什么项目?项目需要大写。- 大小写的问题,时刻贯穿听力复习的始终




  21-23 学生所写报告为什么被扣分?

  A Working style

  B Late submission

  C Lack of research


  24. Just coffee公司在增进communication方面提供 —— B. financial aids

  25. 数据增长——triple

  26. 老师说她应该还包括—— A. Farming method


  27. 老师让学生写个reference document

  28. products need to be mentioned

  29. 有什么equipment, like computers

  30. 有个项目的名称叫做Knowledge Sharing

  Section Four:

  考点复习建议:对于科技或是人文类场景的题目,做完一道真题后,一定要记得积累素材。通过Wikipedia 来搜索关键词。

  科技未来50年的发展,个是fire 第二个不确定是不是intelligent较后填空是FORESTS PLANET中间老人那个是QULITY OF LIFE。


  P1 龙涎香与琥珀 TFNG+flow charts+summary

  P2 ESA欧洲宇航研究 matching(人物+理论)+summary











  We have three important parts of education: reading, writing and math. Some people think every child will benefit from a fourth skill added to the list: computer skills. Do you agree or disagree?





  2012年11月8日part 2-3考题集,划线为较近新题,重点准备。附上部分part1考题供练习使用。

  Describe a teenager you know.

  You should say:

  Who he/she is

  How you knew him/her

  What he/she is like

  And explain how you feel about him/her

  第三部分:teaching responsibility, children vs. teenager, modern culture

  Describe a song that has special meaning for you.

  You should say:

  What song it was

  When you first heard it

  What the song was about

  And explain why this song is special for you.

  第三部分:children learning musical instruments, music development with hi-tech

  Describe your favorite way of communication.

  You should say:

  What it is

  Who you communicate with

  How often you use it

  And explain why it is your favorite way.

  第三部分:hi-tech development change communication, pros and cons of virtual way

  Describe a film about a real person or real event you have watched.

  You should say:

  When and where you saw this film

  What was the film about

  Who you watched this film with

  And explain how you felt about this film.

  第三部分:successful movie, documentary vs. other kinds of films, history learning

  Describe an important traditional event in your country.

  You should say:

  When this event is held

  Who are involved in the event

  What people do

  And explain why this event is important.

  第三部分:definition of tradition, value of tradition, tradition vs. modern

  Describe a garden you enjoyed visiting

  You should say:

  Where it was

  When you visited the garden

  What you saw in the garden

  And explain why you enjoyed visiting the garden.

  第三部分:public garden, the purpose of having a garden, gardening

  Describe something useful you learned from a family member.

  You should say:

  What it was

  Who you learned it from

  How you learned it

  And explain why it is useful.

  第三部分:parental teaching

  Describe a training session, a class or a seminar you enjoyed attending.

  You should say:

  What it was about

  Who attended it

  What you did

  And explain why you enjoyed it.

  第三部分:distance learning, high school teacher vs. primary school teacher

  Describe an old photograph that you like.

  You should say:

  Who were in the photo

  When and where it was taken

  Who took the photo

  And explain why you like it.

  第三部份:technology for photography, how to preserve family history

  Describe a good neighbor you know well.

  You should say:

  Who he/she is

  How long you have known him/her

  What he/she is like

  And explain why you think he/she is a good neighbor.

  第三部分:the importance of community, benefits of having neighbors

  Describe something you bought that you were unhappy with.

  You should say:

  What it was

  When and where you bought it

  How you bought it

  And explain why you were unhappy with it.

  第三部分:online shopping, after service, quality vs. price

  Describe a way to relax that works well on you.

  You should say:

  What is the way

  When you usually do it

  Where you do it

  And explain it works well on you.

  第三部分:modern vs. traditional, ways to relax in the future

  Describe an unusual job you would like to do if you had the opportunity.

  You should say:

  What job it would be

  How you knew this job

  Why this job is unusual

  And explain why you would like to

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