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来源:雅思专题 时间:2013/1/7 15:00:00



  2、本次part one部分的高频话题有常规话题hometown, major, house or apartment及其他话题如Weather,Dances,Mobile Phone, Color, Cloth等等。

  3、Part two部分的高频话题:人物类话题A person you enjoy talking with, A famous person, A happy marriage, A friend you have not met for a long time等;地点类话题A garden you visited, A River or Lake等;事件类话题:Your plan in the future(not for study and work), A wrong decision,A team/group project,A historical event,A thing or experience make you laugh等;物品类话题A movie based on a real person or event,A song which means a lot to you,Something you bought that you were not satisfied with, A gift (present ) you gave to others, A vehicle(car/ bicycle)you would like to own in the future, A book, A vehicle(car/ bicycle)you would like to own等等;媒介类话题Your favorite communication method,TV program等等。


  雅思口语part one部分主要考察考生的everyday vocabulary和basic grammar。一般而言会有三组topic,每组topic有三到四个左右的问题。很多雅思小烤鸭们对于雅思口语考试part one需要注意的细节不是很了解,新东方在线网络课堂雅思辅导团队整理了如下需要注意的细节问题,希望对各位雅思学员有帮助:

  1、考生回答完问题后,考官基本上不会就你的问题进行评价或是讨论,直接进入下一个问题。较多只会说:"Ah!", "Mmm!", "OK", "Thank you", "Good!", "That's interesting."等等。

  2、一般而言,考生不能问考官问题。比如:"I'm from Changsha—have you ever been there?" 或者是, "I like shopping. Do you like it?" 不过,如果考生没有听懂考官问题的话可以让考官重复问题,如"Pardon?" ,"Sorry?"或者是“"Do you mean ...?"

  3、如果考官没有听懂你的内容,让你重复,这说明你的发音和用词都有问题(imperfect pronunciation and an unsuitable choice of words),所以试着用不同的词汇重新回答问题。


  5、思考问题时间不要过长,如果一时间无法迅速组织语言,也试着先说点什么,比如:“That's a difficult/unusual/interesting question”, “Let me think about that”.

  6、对于part one部分的回答不追求真实性。只要便于自己回答问题,展开问题,white lies也是可以接受的。因为考官在乎的是你的speaking ability,而不是the truth of the facts that you speak。

  Part One部分国内外话题汇总

  Hometown (墨尔本、北京、深圳、成都、太原、福州、兰州、乌鲁木齐、广州、杭州、武汉、呼和浩特)

  Major (澳门、长沙、长春、郑州、北京、广州、青岛、乌鲁木齐、深圳、上海、石家庄、南宁、太原、济南)

  House or Apartment (澳洲、澳门、南京、成都、福州、深圳、广州、上海、长春、合肥、昆明、石家庄)

  Do you live in a house or an apartment?

  Which room do you like best?

  What things make your home pleasant to live in?

  Weather (悉尼、澳门、北京、成都、广州、南宁、昆明)

  Flower (悉尼、北京、广州、深圳、南京、济南)

  Cloth & Fashion(悉尼、济南、澳门、上海、成都、深圳)

  Color (悉尼、长春、长沙、深圳、南京、武汉、重庆)

  Dances (北京、上海、郑州、深圳、成都、济南、福州、广州)

  Mobile Phone (北京、成都、福州、济南、郑州、广州)

  Primary & Elementary School (成都、郑州、长春、武汉、太原)

  Do you like your primary school?

  What did you enjoy most about your lessons?

  Have you ever been back to your primary school?

  Do you still see any friends you made at your primary school?

  Relative (北京、郑州、乌鲁木齐、深圳、太原、石家庄)

  Which did you see often in childhood?

  Did you spent more time with friend or relatives when you were a child?

  Which relatives are important in your life now?

  Weekend (北京、广州、乌鲁木齐、太原、青岛、昆明)

  Internet (澳洲、北京、海口、广州、合肥、郑州)

  Bag (北京、深圳、郑州、广州)

  Museum (北京、上海、郑州、成都、太原)

  Car (悉尼、上海、郑州、深圳)

  Living City (北京、南京、吉林)

  Meal (长春、郑州)

  Childhood Toy (上海、济南、郑州、合肥、呼和浩特)

  Sport (北京、太原、成都、长春、石家庄)

  Birthday (北京、长沙、杭州、济南)

  Campus life (上海、海口、深圳、太原)

  Photograph (海口、长春、兰州、青岛)

  Draw (太原)

  Art (广州)

  Keeping Healthy (悉尼、福州、南京、郑州、武汉)

  Leisure Activity (广州、上海)

  Postcard (北京、广州、南宁)

  Postcard (上海)

  Drawing (上海、石家庄)

  Friend (南京、太原)

  Future Job (上海)

  Part Two部分国内外话题汇总


  A person you enjoy talking with (北京、广州、郑州)

  Describe a person you enjoy talking with.

  You should say

  Who he/ she is

  When you got to know him/ her

  What you talk about

  And explain the reason why you want to talk with him/ her.

  Part 3

  What specific characteristic does the good communicator need?Why?

  Do people need communicative skills when talking to others?

  Is it suitable to be humorous anytime?

  How to be a good speaker?

  Can people talk with robot someday?

  What is the different communication ways between animals and human?

  Should we talk to others with body language?

  Who is better in communication,man or women?

  In what way can we communicate with others besides language?

  How do teachers and parents teach children communicative skills?

  Do adults communicate with children and others in the same way?

  A famous person you are interested in/you know (澳洲、北京、济南、深圳)

  Describe a famous person you are interested in

  You should say

  Who he/she is

  What kind of person he/she is

  When you heard about him/her for the first time

  What you can learn from him/ her

  Why he/she has become famous

  And explain why you like him/her

  Part 3

  Why can some people become famous?

  Should famous people have privacy?

  Should famous people accept those judging about them?

  Do you know some celebrities in china?

  Should celebrities need real talent?

  How do people become famous?

  What kind of people can own their rights?

  What people are famous now?

  A happy marriage (北京、上海、石家庄)

  Describe a couple who you think have a happy marriage.

  You should say:

  who they are

  how long they have been married

  how they live their lives

  and explain why you think they are happily married.

  Part 3

  What events usually happen in a wedding?

  Why people spend so much money on a wedding? Is that necessary?

  A teenager your know (长春)

  Describe a teenager you know.

  You should say

  Who he/ she is

  When you got to know him/ her

  How you got to know him/ her

  How you like him/ her

  Part 3

  What is the difference in characteristics between teenagers’ and children’s?

  What is the difference in behaviours between teenagers’ and young children’s?

  How does school life affect teenagers?

  What responsibil

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