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来源:雅思专题 时间:2013/5/4 17:21:00




  其次,在解题能力上,要注意阅读考试有10大种题型,又有一些变种题型,共14种题型。考生要对所有题型的特点心里有数,特别是判断题,不是只有对错之分,更应该注意not given的辨别,技巧是防止思想的外延和一些想当然的推论。

  然后是主旨题,这些题目一般是针对文章大意或段落大意,类似heading的题目。在读文章的时候,要明确找到每段的topic sentence,才能分析选项。题型出现较多的是细节题,细节题的解答主要是依据问题的关键词回文中找定位词,这时候语言现象是不能忽视的。


  The IELTS reading test, 60 minutes to read 3 articles, a total of 40 questions, the average article 13-14. The total word count in 2000-2750. This requires the candidates should have very strong reading speed and the ability of solving problems.

  The speed of reading, if you want to finish all the exam questions in time, you only read the time. Please refer to the parallel reading method, and no word reading, rapidly improve skimming and scanning skills, skip is not important, intensive set point.

  Secondly, in the problem-solving capabilities, attention should be paid to read the exam has 10 types, and some variant types, a total of 14 kinds of questions. The examinee to heart all questions, especially to determine the problem, not only to the wrong, should pay more attention to distinguish not given, skills is to prevent the inference extension of thought and some most probably it did not actually happen.

  Then is the subject, the subject is in general an article or paragraph, similar to heading. When reading the article, should be clear to find each section of topic sentence, to analysis options. Questions appear most is details, details the is mainly based on the keyword for the problem of palindromic words, this time language phenomenon can not be ignored.

  In addition, should pay attention to order principle problem, according to the large order has changed, and the small order invariant features, back to the position is quite simple and rapid test method.




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