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来源:雅思专题 时间:2013/1/14 11:01:00



  Describe a time when you lost something.

  You should say:

  What you lost

  When and where you lost it

  What you were doing at the time

  and explain how you felt after you lost it.


  1、点题Answer+1。Bus card\Bus pass, bicycle, wallet, love, friend, cell phone

  2、时间地点Answer+1。Lost my phone at school last week. In the cafeteria, I had it in my sweatshirt pocket and it must have fallen out.

  3、活动Answer+1。Exercising. Having p.e. class.


  I couldn’t believe it, I bought it 3 days ago.

  I was so sad, upset, Make you feel you are like an airhead.

  You can’t function anymore, I had all my pictures, contact info, birthdays, songs and everything in there. My life is in it.


  Losing Possessions

  1. In what situations is it easiest for people to lose things?

  In a crowd, in a hurry, your mind is focusing on other things, distracted.

  2. What kinds of things do people most often lose?

  Bus card\Bus pass, bicycle, wallet, love, friend, cell phone, hair.


  3. Do you think there is more theft than there used to be?

  Gap between the rich and the poor. Lack of discipline and law enforcement.

  4. Why do some people steal things?

  Out of greed, poverty, hatred, For fun, they see something they want, take it and have it. Kleptomania,

  5. In China, have there been any changes in the number of crimes or the types of crimes committed in the last few years?

  Embezzlement, robbery, burglary, criminal activity,

  6. How can people protect their property (such as their house or car) against thieves?

  Lock your house, your car, pay attention,

  7. Have people's attitudes towards personal property changed in the last few years (last few decades) in China?

  More aware of rights than 10 years ago. fight for, constitution.



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